
Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Poet of Grief

'I have made a room in front of your home, What do you say now? You don't know the address of mine?'

The quote has taken from Mirza Galib who was undoubtedly one of the most dominant figure in the history of Indian literature. He is equally popular for his diverse Ghazal and Shayeri from the youth to elderly. He is regarded as poet of juncture because he closely observed the dying stage of Mughal emperor, the starting of the British governance as well as the first independence struggle. His life was more dramatic than his writings and his time.    

Watching my dearest was not in my fate,
If i had live more, the anticipation would be longer - Galib

In the world of literature, Galib is often considered as mystical figure who was personally arrogant but genius and creative.He was the poet of the poets and composer of the composers. Despite being a Urdu poet, his popularity expanded over the universe. His entire life was reckless and unbridled. Wine,Gambling and women were inseparable as poetry in his life. Those three were regarded by him as a agency for being a poet. Even Galib was arrested several times for being included in gambling. Someone was praising 'Shahbai (another poet) in front of galib, then he asked 'How can Shahbai be a poet,who didn't drink wine,gamble or go to jail ever?'

Galib was born before 228 years on 27 December in 1779 in a prestigious family of Agra,Delhi. Though his primary life is still unrevealed, he got married when he was only 13. He was the father of seven children but no one could survive. In this issue, Galib was so regretful as we see the impact in his works later. 

"It is my mind, not a stone or brick,
why wouldn't it filled by sorrow?
I will cry thousand times,
why someone makes me cry by irritating?' - Galib

He started to write ghazals when he was only nine. His writing habit was whimsical as he used to write while drinking wine and often he choose to write in evening. Galib was not only a poet but also a philosopher and thinker. His personal feelings of deficiency, grievance, love, estrangement were covered in his poetry. 

Galib used to like mystery and obscurity in his literature or personal life. So that time, it was too difficult for most of the people to understand the meanings of his poetry, as a result contemporary poets used to call him 'Poet of nonsense' and often Galib faced countless criticism from others. But pretentious poet Galib didn't take care of those. He used to reply, 'I am not a bankrupt of compliment, I am not greedy for any reward, I really don't care of those.' 

Galib was too confident and proud of his poetry, he thought that there are a few people exist who could judge his poetry. But sometimes he got disappointed, with deep chagrin he wrote-

'Hey God, they don't understand my words even my sole, either give them different heart or give me different utterance.' - Galib.

This great capricious poet didn't write for money anytime, perhaps he was sponsored by the state or sometimes he used to lend money from several friends. But his last days were extremely sorrowful as the British government abolished all kinds of sponsorship of him. He didn't get his exact value of creativity when he was alive. One day he said, 'I would be recognised by the further generations but not now' .  His words became true later. Beyond this sub-continent he took place in the world with dignity and honour as a poet of love, heartbreak, wailing and grief.

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